13 steps to true commitment

martin bissett: "make continual deposits in the goodwill account."what it means for partners.

by martin bissett
passport to partnership

rising from senior manager to partner often means being promoted ahead of our peers and contemporaries. it creates a gap in earnings, stature and influence compared to those who just yesterday were our colleagues on a level playing field.

more on the passport to partnership: how good is your network? | shift thinking from ‘we’ to ‘you’ | 7 mistakes to avoid when going after new work | why communication matters so much | 3 questions to evaluate your firm culture | competence: more than technical skills | are you partner material? maybe not
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it can also mean that if we are coming into a firm from the outside, we are being promoted over people who have served at that firm for many years and understand the culture of the firm a lot better than we do right now. we may have to lead these people as the head of a department and if so, they’d better be on our side.